As a note, I would like to preface this blog entry that this is my final entry for my ITEC-333 course at American University. Since having been a member of the class, I have learned much, but rather than make an "academic" entry, I would am going to reflect.
This semester, I have done a great deal of reflecting. Much of that has been caused by the onslaught of my schedule. Not thinking, I decided to take 17 credits (the full course load at AU before having to pay extra for extra credits) in taking all the classes that I needed, and a 12 week internship (first 10 hours per week are for my internship, and the next 15 are for pay). I literally have little time and when I can find time to whatever, I am exhausted. I cannot function. The result? I followed many people of my sad generation and would buy an energy drink or coffee. Thus, I started my caffeine addiction. If colleges or professionals wanted to make buckets of money, they would offer caffeine rehab...sad as that sounds it is true because I can think of not one college student that "dopes up" on caffeine. My generation can be termed the ADD Generation because of our constant need to be plugged in to the Internet/other media vehicles and the expectance of instant gratification (usually via communication). If a text message, picture message, instant message, email, etc. does not come back within seconds, the sender usually gets alerted. But, they only get worried if their other 5 instant messages are unanswered, and they cannot load the current YouTube video they are trying to watch while playing video games, and...writing that paper. That's pathetic.
Now as I say how sad that is, I too do the same. If it were not for my roommate who was recording a project via audio, I would be blasting music, talking on the instant messaging function of Skype, AOL Instant Messenger, ICQ, Yahoo! Messenger, and MSN Messenger contemporaneously. That's not to mention writing this blog entry and checking emails, while sipping on a Diet Red Bull or likely substitute. Did I mention that I am currently receiving text messages 25 minutes before events onto my phone from my Google Calendar? This all bears the following question:
Forget fancy technology, for a minute, let's look at another aspect of life: advertisements. How ironic is it that I am a marketing minor? We look around us and I think the number that I heard was that we see 8000 advertisements everyday (some steep number). We tune most of them out. How much more clutter can we put in our life?
Forget boyfriends/girlfriends/it-friends/spouses/wives/husbands/etc., when do we have time for ANYTHING? EVERYTHING seems to suffer as a result. We pay bills. I should know this best because that is one of the things that I do in my apartment for my roommates besides clean up their messes (not fun).
So liberal folks try to make a "no technology week" and the result is that kids say "we cannot survive!" PATHETIC!
Now let's look at the future: dismal. More distractions. More ways to take time. More of a chance for caffeine sales to sky rocket. Seriously, is this what we wanted? Social networking is nice, but at the expense of so many other things?
Great! Now I sound like some liberal, no shoe-wearing, pot smoking, dirty hippy (it is here that I would like to endorse the fact that I do NOT approve of the usage of drugs, not wearing shoes, being dirty, and most importantly, being a hippy). Me being the aforementioned could not be further from the truth. But I do believe that if someone does not stop soon, we could be in for disaster.
My trip to Israel in two weeks might be an amazing time, not because of the potential that it holds, but because I will be truly disconnected. I overbooked myself 100% this semester, which was my fault, but overbooking is a common thing to do because we are so used to being overwhelmed.
This is me signing off, to do 20 million other things all at the same time. As much as I just want to crawl under a rock and party like it is 1999 [BCE], I know that I will just have to suck it up and my Diet Red Bull...
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The Power Of OFF

Posted by
12/02/2007 11:16:00 PM
Labels: Collective Thought, IM, Informal Networks, Learning Experience, networking, Social Capital, social networking
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I really sympathize. The first thing I do in the morning is make coffee, and hope to go the milk in my fridge isn't expired. However, I have no plans whatsoever to give up caffeine. How else would things get everything done?
I think it says a lot that nearly all companies have free coffee!
Technology is just as vital. My computer is nearing the end of its days, and I nearly have panic attacks at the thought of losing all the stuff on my computer.
Yea. It's sad. I studied in Italy this past summer, with the same hope to be "truly disconnected." I didn't have a cell for a while. And Internet only at the school. It was nice sometimes, but I could never shake the panicy feeling of being disconnected.
Anyway, best of luck in Israel and the caffeine addiction.
wow. great post! I totally agree with you about all. and especially the term ADD generation..
I start my morning with checking emails. then, coffee. I finish my day after checking email and cyworld. If I have to pull the all nighter, then it is gonna be a sugar-free redbull.
Can't live without coffee/energy drink/Internet/cell/ipod. I want to be isolated from the modern world, but it is almost impossible when you are in college, I guess.
Yes, it is PATHETIC. ;( Still, these give us a lot, as well. I can't live without them. Maybe a week? after that? I would go crazy... How pathetic...
I don't think that my body could take me stopping my caffeine addiction without serious consequences...
yea things get difficult sometimes but when you look back there are ways to manage it all. it can be overwhelming but i love the sense of accomplishment when i have used every single minute of the day effectively and completed everything i set out to do. this might have happened once. a long time ago. no but honestly i feel better when i know i've done a lot and i feel i work a lot better under pressure.
being continuously connected provides a lot of opportunities but it can take its toll.
enjoy your trip and i'm glad i don't have to hear you complain about sports mktg anymore.
I absolutely loved your post. It's not just the content, but I like your writing style.
I agree with all comments, more or less, as the habits of others are also similar enough to mine.
Being disconnected can cause anxiety, but part of avoiding that anxiety is preparing yourself mentally to be disconnected. To view your time in Israel as a time for yourself, to no longer be bombarded with constant external stimulation and use that time to give your brain and body a rest. This lifestyle we live right now is extremely stressful and unhealthy. While it can make several of us feel good at the end of the day, as Keith said, it's a lot for our brains to take. In today's lifestyle I don't believe we allot enough time to slowing down and enjoying life, as humans, animals, on this earth, interacting with people....
I absolutely loved your post. It's not just the content, but I like your writing style.
I agree with all comments, more or less, as the habits of others are also similar enough to mine.
Being disconnected can cause anxiety, but part of avoiding that anxiety is preparing yourself mentally to be disconnected. To view your time in Israel as a time for yourself, to no longer be bombarded with constant external stimulation and use that time to give your brain and body a rest. This lifestyle we live right now is extremely stressful and unhealthy. While it can make several of us feel good at the end of the day, as Keith said, it's a lot for our brains to take. In today's lifestyle I don't believe we allot enough time to slowing down and enjoying life, as humans, animals, on this earth, interacting with people....
did you finish your course on target? Does your roommate make you uncomfortable?
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